Acupuncture is a TCM technique of treating a disease or relieving pain by inserting very fine, tiny, stainless steel acupuncture needles* at meridian points of the human body. Due to modern day stresses, the meridian points are often blocked, resulting in fatigue, poor circulation, weakness, and disease. Acupuncture works by manipulating the body’s energy flow (Qi), allowing the body to balance and heal itself. It is believed that acupuncture improves energy and biochemical balance, stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities and promoting well-being.
*sterilized needles are discarded after use.
Acupuncture Therapy can boost one’s flow of energy (Qi) moving up or down the meridians by helping the energy to pass through the blockages, thereby restoring our body’s balance and encourage the body to heal itself.
Acupuncture Therapy can be used to treat…
- Back & Joint Pains
- Digestive Problems
- Skin Disorders
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Depression
- Menstrual Problems
There is no risk of infection from the treatment as the needles used are sterile and are disposable. However, you should always give information about all pre-existing conditions, the medication you are taking, whether you are, or could be pregnant, and if you have a cardiac pacemaker or cosmetic implants. Our acupuncturist will then be able to evaluate your specific situation to ensure the best result.
Acupuncture is not at all like getting an injection or taking blood. Acupuncture needles are about a diameter of a hair and are very fine and flexible. Most patients feel only slight pinching or heaviness as the needles are inserted. Many patients find acupuncture to be relaxing and may even fall asleep during treatment.